Thursday, January 14, 2010

Aaaaaaaand we're back...

Hello dear reader and sorry for the radio silence. The holidays were a blur. Kelly came out from the 22nd to the 4th, Adam Brick and Vanessa came out on the 28th and Brick stayed til the 9th - we all had a blast. When they all shipped out to the west coast I, naturally, was exhausted so of course I got sick. Still sniffeling and recovering I'm afraid but I do have news...

- Had my first NY audition on Monday. It was for a staged reading. Went to callbacks. Booked it! Feels good. A 1M/1W show. Premieres Jan 31st and Feb 1st at The Tank Theatre
- Tomorrow is my first "big" audition for a play at the Women's Project, co-produced with Cherry Lane Theatre. An intense, wonderful new script that I'd really, really like to book (like really, really!)
- Just set up a one-on-one meeting with the Casting Director at Playwrights Horizons - really excited about that! (thank you DA for the nod)

Hope you are all doing well and had a pleasant, ecstatic holiday season. Or whatever kind you wanted. (holy crap, the opera upstairs is really loud right now! does that happen anywhere else!?!) Sorry to be so factual (read: boring) this time around. Perhaps once this congestion passes I'll be funny again. (Was I ever funny?) Well, amusing hopefully. Now beat it. Scram. But come back soon. (bye)


  1. I hereby confirm that you have indeed been funny. Congrats on your booking!

  2. TP! Thanks man, hope all is well in sunny california!
