Saturday, January 16, 2010

Let the games begin! (sigh)

I would be lying if I said I loved auditioning. Who does? It's sick. It's twisted. That said, I had a strong audition for Women's Project / Cherry Lane yesterday. And it was actually (gulp) fun.
My spider sense tells me I might be too young for the role (as does the actual um breakdown) but the audition was solid and the feedback was very positive. The CD from Playwrights Horizons was there so we got to say hi face to face, and the director of the piece gave me another lead and told me to name drop her, so that's a good sign.
In other news, my friend and former San Diego actor Spencer Moses called and asked me to be his scene partner for his audition into The Actor's Studio, so him and I are gonna team up on that. Might use it as my preliminary audition as well. Which is a bit intimidating seeing as how I always pictured myself ending up at The Actor's Studio, ever since I was a kid, and now the preliminary audition might be about a month away. What if I don't make it? Talk about an identity crisis! I think I'll literally just cease to exist if they turn me away. I'll start fading like Michael J in Back to the Future. In fact I'm feeling a little transparent right now, I better

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