Saturday, January 16, 2010

Does this photo make my nose look crooked?

Here ya go, Sandy, this one's for you... Thanks to the lovely and talented Mr. Daren Scott for the headshots. (I booked my first job with these this week :)
And, for the record, if I ever do get my nose put back together again I won't lose the whole crooked, I'll just do the semi-crooked I was born with before I broke it twice and had my right nostril caved in. (It still doesn't work. If you want to asphyxiate me you don't have to plug my whole nose, just staple the left side shut. The common cold is a fucking nightmare. Zycam? Why-cam. It's bullshit. Coffee's ready gotta go.)

1 comment:

  1. The face is perfect. "Don't Change A Thing For Me, Not If You Care For Me"...sounds like lyrics to a funny! Not! It's pouring so I am in heaven...Pattes'll be missed! Trying to decide which of my clothes to violently stretch over my roundness, and honestly would like to snuggle up to the fireplace (I don't have); pour a wee wine (I'm out); and cuddle up to the man of my dreams (who doesn't exist)....guess I'll just go to the Pattes instead! GREAT news about the ACTORS STUDIO're tough, cool, collected and prepared....what can go wrong? NOTHING! xoxo, Sandy
