Sunday, December 13, 2009

Yay, it's Daniel Aukin!

Sunday, Nov 8
My friend, colleague, and the lovely director of The Adding Machine at La Jolla Playhouse, Mr. Daniel Aukin got me a ticket to a preview of THIS, the new Melissa James Gibson play he's directing at Playwright's Horizons. When I entered the house I saw Daniel in the back row, texting. I looked back several times hoping to say hello, but he was clicking away. I didn't want to be too much of an intruder, and I knew this was, after all, previews for him, so I kept to myself. A few moments later I hear Daniel's familiar voice (has it really been over two years?).. "Josh?" I turn around. Big smiles on both ends. This, dear reader, is one of the moments I've been really looking forward to. Daniel was so great to work with and when we said so long in La Jolla his words were "This isn't goodbye, I'll see you in the city..." And, finally, here I am. Here we are, having a hug in the middle of the audience at Playwright's Horizon's on 42nd St. So cool.

The play was fantastic. All the elements were there. Great lights, sound, and an amazing set. Fantastic writing, direction and cast - which included Eisa Davis, Bulrusher playwright. After the show, Daniel and I got to exchange a few words and make plans to meet up after Thanksgiving. He truly made me feel welcome right there on 42nd street - a feeling I need to remind myself of, dear reader, on my lonely, broke-and-stuck-in-a-basement-apartment type days. Which are soon to come. And last. In the lobby I ran into Maiko Matsushima, the brilliant and lovely costume designer from The Adding Machine. More big smiles and warm welcomes. I exited the theatre feeling alive and glad to be there. I wandered around Times Square for a while, found TKTS, and eventually made it home on the subway all by myself.

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