Sunday, December 13, 2009

Can you make me look less, I don't know, me?

Saturday, Nov 7
Jan showed me some casting opportunities so I got busy ordering my new headshots which were taken by the handsome and talented Mr. Daren Scott (hi daren, thank you). The spot I ordered from has a quick turn-around and, thank god, retouching services available. Some people have porcelain skin. Some. People.

Went back to Blackbird's that night and it was packed. Some kind of Anniversary party for a local couple. I am not, as you know dear reader, a local couple. Nothing quite like the loneliness of being a nobody in a sea of all-knowing, familiar somebodys. I will experience this many more times in the weeks to come.

1 comment:

  1. Waiting to see the new headshots...WITH retouching, no less...aren't YOU just the latest in the New York minute!!! Post 'em soon.
